Friday, May 14, 2010

Linger Text Green

I know I've been wondering if Linger's text color was going to be green, like Shiver was.
And Maggie answered this question! Yay! Plus a picture!

"So today while I was trying very hard to concentrate on Secret Project, UPS delivered a very early, finished copy of LINGER. There are not really many of these in existence, and I'm pretty sure this one was stolen off Editor MixTape's desk while he was in New Zealand (which is only fair. He is in New Zealand. He doesn't need this. I do.)

Anyway, it is pretty stinkin' gorgeous. And, to answer the question I have gotten hundreds of times, yes. The ink is green.

So I whipped out my camera to do some selective focus evidential photography. And here it is. Ooooooh the pretty? Yes. The pretty. "


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